MC's friend Nebiu was nice enough to take MC, Tamara, and I to a not-quite-finished resort kind of place located on a small lake on the outskirts of Addis for two days and a night, which even after just a week was a welcome break from the hectic, polluted city that is Addis. Even in its half finished state it was a very nice place. We spent the first afternoon waiting for our rooms, apparently a break down in communication had left the folks at the resort unaware that we were coming, which

we eventually sorted out and then headed to the 'Paradise Pyramid' for a late, long lunch with some interesting conversation including enlightening Nebiu to the phrase 'junk in the trunk'. After lots of laughter and food we headed back along the loosely termed road to the lake. We spent the evening sitting in front of a fire discussing the mysteries of life, making smores, and listening to music.

We woke up the next morning to a breakfast that was delivered and we ate overlooking the lake. I passed the day catching up on some journaling and reflection while the others took a dip in the lake, something I'm generally leary of in African bodies of fresh water. On our way back to Addis that afternoon we passed a go-cart track and pulled in for a few laps.

That next day after church I was fortunate to get to go to a delayed Thanksgiving dinner at the Mengistu's house where we not only had some great American food (turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes) but also an entire roast goat to boot! I have to admit, as much as I love ethiopian food it was nice to get a break with some food from the home land paired with good company and conversation. The following morning I finalized my plans for a trip out of the city and that afternoon I headed to the airport to fly North to Bahir Dar.
Addis Ababa
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