Thursday, April 20, 2006

Vaccines: Check

After a, longer than expected, one hour meeting with a nurse at the CO Springs Health Dept, I walked out a little lighter in the wallet and with all of my necessary vaccinations: Hep A, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, and Polio. Thankfully I didn't need to get Meningitis, Hep B, or MMR which would have doubled the cost. The nurse did suggest that a rabies shot might be worth getting to help fend of the 'sacred', rabid monkeys in india, but I decided to risk it all and fore-go the expensive 3 part rabies shot.

I was very surprised and impressed by the amount of time spent going over the details of each location I planned to visit, with regards to the associated disease risks. I was also surprised at the great amount of very updated information that they provided. Much of the information revolved around the risk of Malaria in different regions, which definately seems to be the biggest risk. The WHO also has some great up-to-date info on Malaria, maps included, for anyone else interested.

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