Another 'digital' concern is the fact that while I will have internet access, I will almost exclusively be using internet Cafe's for access. Internet Cafe's certainly make things easier than having to carry my own laptop, etc, however the big downside is that any sites I visit, will store cached data on the local system which could be a problem if I'm accessing things such as my bank accounts. To help mitigate this risk I'm taking a 2GB A-Data Flash Drive, loaded with a suite of 'portable apps' for anything from email, web-browsing, watching/editing videos, editing images, etc, all of which can be found at PortableApps.com and the Portable Apps Wiki. The basic idea is that I can use these applications on the flash drive, and not have to leave behind any data on the Internet Cafe system, we'll see how well that works in practice. For one more level of security, all of my data on the flash drive will be encrypted using TrueCrypt, which provides encryption that is "automatic, real-time (on-the-fly) and transparent", so that if I lose the drive or it gets stolen, all of my data will be secure.
If anyone wants more info on the portable-apps, let me know.
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