Monday, September 11, 2006

The Kanyon Mall

more glass walkwaysI've been looking for a few things that I figured would be easier to find in Turkey than Africa and so Adam suggested checking out the new Kanyon Mall. I have to admit that I think this is the most interesting and unique mall I have ever seen; elegantly designed to be both in and outdoors, with gurgling fountains and frosted glass walkways, and chock full of great restaurants, clothes store, the biggest grocery store I've seen since leaving the US, and a myriad of other shops to cover just about everything one might need. Swank.


Unknown said...

did you find a replacement for your long lost, beloved nalgene?

Seth said...

Unfortunately no nalgene replacement yet:(.

Anonymous said...

That IS swank. ;) Look at you, big pimpin', makin all these lady friends everywhere you go... It's nice to see you're enjoying your trip. Can't wait to hear about Africa.

paulmerrill said...

Your trip sounds like qite an adventure! I enjoyed reading about some of what you have gained.

I hope you have a good visit to Africa too.

Anonymous said...

when are you getting to Africa? i wasn;t sure when you were hitting our soil...if you're here already - welcome! - sian